EL PD Pathway
TSD's English Learner Professional Development Pathway
English Learner PD Pathway, meeting CDE's requirement:
Thompson School District has been granted continued approval to issue certificates of completion of the professional development required pursuant to 1 CCR 301-37.7.02(7) through September 2025.
This 45-hour EL PD Pathway, in-house coursework plan, has been pre-approved by CDE to meet the 45-hour EL PD re-licensure requirements.
- *Recommended first course: Equity, Culture, and Diversity- 7.5 hours
- Effective Teaching Strategies for CLD Students- 7.5 hours
- Effective Assessment Strategies for CLD Students- 7.5 hours
- Engaging Each Family- 7.5 hours
- Language Acquisition SIOP- 15 hours
EL PD Courses are listed in Learning Pro and offered at various times throughout the calendar year.
Click here for Completion Certificate and Application for Designation through CDE