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Selecting Cooperating Teachers

Because of the importance of the cooperating teacher, Thompson School District has established guidelines for their selection. These guidelines grow out of the general policies of the District and the cooperating schools, and are similar to those used by teacher education institutions across Colorado and the nation. 

The TSD Cooperating Teacher: 

  • is on a continuing teaching contract or has completed a minimum of four years of successful teaching experience, with the most recent two years being in Thompson School District 
  • has a most recent final summative evaluation rating of “Highly Effective” or “Effective” 
  • has a valid Colorado teaching certificate
  • is “Highly Qualified” or properly endorsed to teach in the current content area or teaching   assignment 
  • consistently demonstrates high quality teaching 
  • demonstrates desirable personal and professional attitudes 
  • demonstrates evidence of continuous professional growth 
  • participates in the program voluntarily 
  • looks upon supervising the growth of student teachers as an honor and a contribution to his/her profession
  • is recommended by his/her administrator 
  • has effective communication skills and can provide constructive feedback to a student teacher 
  • student teacher/cooperating teacher relationship does not violate the District’s Conflict of Interest Policy