Empower to learn. Challenge to achieve. Inspire to excel.
In This Section
Cooperating Teacher Orientation for Student Teacher
Preparing for the Student Teacher
Become familiar with all of the available background information on student teacher.
Communicate with students, parents, and school staff regarding the assignment of a student teacher.
Arrange for a work area, computer access and other basic necessities for student teacher.
Contact and share instructional information and materials with student teacher prior to arrival.
Make tentative plans for student teacher's early observation of other teachers, initial teaching a participatory experiences, and orientation to the school building.
Brief Student Teacher on School Procedures
Reporting teacher and student absences/tardiness.
Fire, tornado, lock down drill and treat assessment procedures.
Use of school property including instructional materials and electronics. • Reporting of student injuries or illness.
Recess and lunch duties and responsibilities.
Process to release students early.
Use of the Media Center.
Specific roles of school staff including principal, assistant principal, school psychologist, counselors, teachers, instructional coaches, support staff, etc.
Process to order supplies and support materials.
Attendance at staff meetings, in-service/staff development trainings, collaboration days, parent-teacher conferences and other extended teacher responsibilities.
Brief Student Teacher on Classroom Environment Procedures