Location Index
Elementary Schools
Elementary School | IFAS Code |
Berthoud | BE |
BF Kitchen | BF |
Big Thompson | BI |
Carrie Martin | CM |
Centennial | CE |
Cottonwood Plains | CP |
Coyote Ridge | CR |
Garfield | GA |
Ivy Stockwell | IS |
Laurene Edmondson | LE |
Lincoln | LI |
Namaqua | NQ |
Ponderosa | PA |
Sarah Milner | SM |
Truscott | TC |
Winona | WI |
Early Childhood Centers
Early Childhood Center | IFAS Code |
Berthoud EC Center at Turner | E1 |
Berthoud Elementary | B1 |
Carrie Martin | E6 |
Centennial | C2 |
Cottonwood Plains | E4 |
Coyote Ridge | C1 |
Districtwide | E0 |
Laurene Edmondson | E2 |
Lincoln | E7 |
Madison | E5 |
Peakview | P4 |
Ponderosa | E9 |
Riverview | R1 |
Sarah Milner | E3 |
Stansberry | D1 |
Winona | W1 |
PK8 Schools
PK8 School | IFAS Code |
High Plains School | HP |
Riverview PK-8 | RV |
Peakview Academy at Conrad Ball | PV |
Middle Schools
Middle School | IFAS Code |
Bill Reed | BR |
Lucile Erwin | LU |
Turner | TU |
Walt Clark | WC |
High Schools
High School | IFAS Code |
Berthoud | BT |
Harold Ferguson | FE |
Loveland | LO |
Mountain View | MV |
Thompson Valley | TV |
Department | IFAS Code |
Admin Building - General | AD |
Communications | CD |
Districtwide | DW |
Facility Services | FA |
Financial Services | FS |
Human Resources | HR |
Innovative Technology Services | IT |
Media | ME |
Nutritional Services | NS |
Operation Services | OS |
Materials and Procurement | MP |
Special Education | SP |
Learning Services | SA |
Superintendent | SU |
Support Services Building | SS |
Transportation | TR |
Other Locations
Location | IFAS Code |
Community Connections | CC |
District Night School | DN |
Expulsion Center | EX |
Loveland Classical School | CS |
New Vision Charter | NV |
St. John's | SJ |
TSD Education Online | TO |